Spring Sports Pictures. April 9th, 2025.
This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.

The JH and HS 3rd nine weeks honor roll, attendance and science fair awards assembly will be Wednesday, March 12th @ 9:00 am in the old gym.

Classroom Group Pictures! April 9th, 2025. $10.00 each. This digital ordering envelope is used for display purposes only and should not be used as an order form. Orders should be placed through the online ordering system or any order envelopes that may have been provided to the school.

Spring Picture Day is April 9th, 2025!

Mikaelee Kuehler received 1st in the state in 6-8th grade Biomedical category and won a special award from the Department of Defense for $100! Avery Anderson won 1st place in the 6th-8th grade category in Physics and earned a special award to compete again in the Thermo Fischer Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge! Itavia King and Charleigh Thompson both qualified for state competition in Material Science in the 4th -5th grade category. Charleigh received a 2nd place in the state! Congratulations to these amazing young women and their amazing success!

We celebrated our reading progress with a reading award celebration on Feb. 26th for student's increasing 100 lexile points in one semester. Here are a few group pics from the celebration.

Congratulations to our All Santa Fe Trail League basketball players!

Because of the potential of dangerous winds, and low visibility, we will not have school tomorrow.

Staff Spotlight for the month of March: Grade School: Keyla Kuehler, Cafeteria: Alejandra Manriquez, Preschool and Daycare: Sara Enns

The Moscow pool is seeking lifeguards this summer. Applications are in the High School office, please turn them back in by March 14th. Lifeguard training will be held April 5th and 6th in Elkhart. Applicants have to be 15 years old to apply. If you have any questions, email tbaehler@usd209.org.

Congratulations to Toni Moore for winning the Stevens County Sr. Bee! Toni will advance to the Sunflower State Spelling Bee on March 22nd.

Freshman class learning First Aid including CPR.

The Lady Wildcats basketball team plays at Ashland Saturday at 7:00 PM in a Sub State Semi-Final game.

Congratulations to our Moscow Lady Wildcats on their win over Stafford in the first round of regionals.

Some of the students enjoying the Homecoming Activities: Roller Skating in Rolla!!

Thank you to the Northwest Cotton Growers Coop for buying out the gate for Monday's Girls Quarterfinal Sub State game vs. Stafford. Game time is 6:00 - Go Lady Cats!

The homecoming pep rally for today will be in the old gym at 2:45! Homecoming tonight will follow the boys varsity basketball game.

THANK YOU to the gate buyout sponsors for the homecoming games vs. Walsh:

Grade School will celebrate Dr. Suess Week! Have fun and spread the joy of reading.